Personality is a great answer!

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Live Streaming Catherine O'Byrne
Live Streaming by Catherine O’Byrne

What to emphasize in the Best in Show | Pets art competition…

For the editors of and Artists Magazine, the theme of ‘best in show’ for our Best in Show | Pets art competition can mean so many things. It means celebrating the skill of hundreds of artists from around the world. It’s about bringing together a collection of art that is incredibly varied and resonates with a wide audience. The heart of a ‘best in show’ portrait is about capturing the personality of your pet.

When you capitalize on the charm of your subject, you can never go wrong. With pet portraiture that is especially true. Pets delight their owners every day because of how they act. Their novel expressions and surprising behaviors are what endear them to us forever. When you’ve hit on the way to recreate the look, feel, and rambunctious ways of your pet subject, you will be well on your way to a prize-worthy artwork. Because chances are what makes your pet memorable in everyday life is also what will make your portrait stand out in the competition.

With tips and guidance from our editorial team below, get inspired to put forward your best artistic effort and do your pet proud! Also, and most of all, don’t forget that the extended deadline to submit your work to Best in Show | Pets art competition is December 23. Good luck!

A Point of Difference

So how can you translate all of the individuality and pep of a pet when you are standing in your studio with brush or pencil in hand? The first thing to do just might be to step out of the studio. If you can, why not take the opportunity to study and observe your model at length? Likely you’ll see them pose, preen, and prance around in ways that could really be the key to a memorable artwork.

Most especially, spend time looking at the spunky face of your puppy subject, the sweet face of the kitten, or other pet you’ve taken as your muse. With animals, it is true that expression is held in the body, but their faces are undeniably expressive too. Consider their bearing from all angles. One of our editors mentioned a suggestion we thought was also great. Pay special attention to ears! They can show so much personality and their positioning and texture are so unique to our animal friends.

A Bit of Practicality for the Pets Competition

Don’t underestimate the skill it takes to capture whiskers, feathers, manes, and fur. Be sure and confident in gesture and always focus on the whole — not the individual details. Our best advice? Practice your strokes off your surface. That way you can establish your method through exploration without worrying about impacting any progress you’ve made on your final canvas or paper.

Overall composition is also important in the Best in Show | Pets art competition. Take time to consider how to seat your pet for best effect. This is where the time you spent observing your subject will come into play. For example, painting a parrot with beautiful plumage? Then perhaps conceive of a way to present the bird when its wings are open and unfurled.

You have many options when it comes to the background of the artwork. It is always lovely to see the home where your pet lives, but sometimes too much detail can detract from the whole. A possible compromise is carefully selecting one or two items to include that convey your pet’s story. They can also establish your pet’s passions or loves — a ball alongside a dog that loves to play fetch, for instance.

Once you find your answer to these details, from background to overall appearance to a dynamic pose, your prize-worthy artwork will come together in a special way that is unique to you and your subject!

Embrace the Fun

What really individuates the Best in Show | Pets art competition is the fun and passion that underpins the contest. Go forward and create the painting or drawing you will enter into the competition as if it is your ultimate passion project! There will never be a better time. Discover how creatively rewarding and downright enchanting it can be to paint and draw our pet friends. You’ll learn so much about your capacity for self-expression, pet portraiture, and conveying personality. Submit now!

Remember, the final deadline to send in your artwork to the Best in Show | Pets art competition is December 16. Time flies during this time of year so be sure to make a plan and make the most of your time in the studio. That way you won’t miss your opportunity to be part of the competition. And if you are ready, don’t hesitate — submit your work today!

We are also pleased to announce that a portion of every entry fee in the Best in Show | Pets Competition will be going to the Dumb Friends League, a national animal welfare organization.

A special thanks to our competition sponsor, Jerry’s Artarama!

Jerry's Artarama

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