Light in Watercolor with John Lidzey

Learn how to paint light in watercolor using UK-based watercolor artist John Lidzey's favorite painting techniques.

John Lidzey | 58 min

Take the ordinary and transform it into something extraordinary. Learn to paint using the contrast of light and shadow with watercolor artist, John Lidzey.

In this art video, you’ll learn how to paint light’s effects and how to use tone and color to create realist light. You’ll also discover painting techniques to strengthen your compositions. Follow John’s teaching, step-by-step, to create beautiful, moody watercolor paintings that come to life with light.



  • Watercolor art lessons on painting light and shadow into your painting
  • Painting tips for using tone and color, developing a composition, and more
  • Step-by-step painting techniques to create beautiful, moody watercolor paintings
Preview Light in Watercolor with John Lidzey as he develops shadows to create the feeling of strong light streaming in from the background of this scene.



  • Alizarin Crimson
  • Aureolin
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Cadmium Red
  • Cadmium Yellow Pale
  • French Ultramarine
  • Indigo
  • Payne’s Grey
  • Raw Umber
  • Yellow Ochre

Gouache - White

Brushes - Variety of rounds

Surface - 140-lb. cold pressed watercolor paper

Other Materials 

  • Butcher tray
  • Conte crayon (dark gray)
  • Cotton wool
  • Masonite board
  • Brown gum tape
  • Paper towel
  • Pencil


Leave A Review

  Richard  4/10/2019

  Jerry  4/7/2018
Enjoyed hearing the decision-making process used as John worked his way through various stages of color in his finished pieces.

  June Fisher  11/3/2017

  MICHELLE  10/23/2017

  Patricia  10/22/2017
Brilliant. I have always loved John Lidzey's paintings, they have such warmth and atmosphere that draw you in as a viewer. The way he layers washes give rich textures, and the tonal contrasts he uses create the wonderful sense of light. His palette is interesting - quite a few opaque colours such as the cadmiums, indigo and yellow ochre in unusual mixes. I shall experiment with these to try and achieve the same effects. How fortunate we are to have a record of him painting. Highly recommended.

  Patricia  10/20/2017
Absolutely beautiful! I have always loved his paintings, and to watch his technique makes me appreciate them more. His way of painting produces great richness and depth of colour, and this combined with the contrast in tones produces wonderful light and warmth. As someone said, the way he builds up the tones in layers is interesting. Very inspiring DVD, and highly recommended.

  Carolyn  10/14/2017

  Anita  9/6/2017
Very informative video demonstrating the production of beautiful paintings by being very much aware of lights and darks, shadows and cast shadows. Very well demonstrated thank you so much.

  Jen  1/23/2017

  Doreen  1/18/2017

  Boghos  1/9/2017

  Loredana  10/10/2016

  Karen  10/1/2016
very well presented

  Foster  12/11/2014
good light info as well as building up tone

  Veronica  1/29/2014
Wow great work of light. he doesn't stop until he has what he is looking for. he building up his shadows little at a time love this video.

  Janice  12/8/2013
Lidzey was a master of the English watercolour. It is a privilege to watch him at work. I was very interested in hi careful building up of tones, and in the colours he uses. His paintings are so full of light that we have much to learn from him. I shall be watching this video over and over. Janice

  Pam  10/11/2013
Wonderful video! John's techniques of painting light are fun and informative. One of my favorite watercolor workshops.

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