You will love this watercolor painting video if:
- You love to paint seascapes and landscapes in watercolor
- You want to learn how to change the tone and mood of a painting
- You want to learn watercolor techniques for better landscape paintings using a photo reference
Make a watercolor painting uniquely yours as you learn to take creative license with your photo reference. In this video, Iain Stewart will guide you through techniques for changing the mood of your painting while demonstrating a land and seascape painting of Blackness Castle on the Firth of Forth. While painting this historic castle of Scotland you learn how to sketch your scene to determine the best composition, how to paint water, light, and an incoming tide.
In From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Seascapes you’ll learn:
- 118 minutes of expert watercolor instruction
- Watercolor techniques including Iain Stewart’s thirsty brush “kiss” lines
- Step-by-step instruction start-to-finish
Watch a preview now!
To get the most of Iain Stewart’s instruction, check out these videos in the series.
From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Seascapes Companion Guide
From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Landscapes
From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Landscapes Companion Guide
From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Cityscapes
From Photos to Fantastic: Painting Watercolor Cityscapes Companion Guide
From Photos to Fantastic: Sketching Cityscapes Video Download
About Iain Stewart
Iain Stewart is a watercolor artist and signature member of the National Watercolor Society. His work has received numerous awards in international competition and he is a sought after juror and workshop instructor. He is also an architectural illustrator with an international clientele. Iain maintains a studio in Opelika, Alabama.
Watercolors from Daniel Smith, Winsor & Newton, or Holbein
French Ultramarine
Burnt Orange
Quinachridone Burnt Scarlet
Raw Sienna
Burnt Umber
New Gamboge
Cadmium Scarlet
Cobalt Blue
Cobalt Violet Deep
Neutral Tint
Cobalt Teal Blue
Phthalo Turquoise
Chinese White
Winsor Yellow
Light Red
Alizarin Crimson
Winsor Orange
Cerulean Blue
Zinc White
Greenish Yellow
Mineral Violet
Verditer Blue
Bamboo brush holder
Escoda series synthetic Versatil and Perla
Sketchbooks: Stillman & Birn Alpha Series hardbound sketchbooks
Stillman & Birn loose sketch paper
Arches or Saunders cold-pressed paper, 140 lb.
Craig Young brass, winged watercolor palette or Shy Artist’s Watercolor palette
Sponges and rags
Masking tape
Burnishing tool
Pencils and Eraser for sketching
Spritzing bottle
Gator foam stretching board
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