A dedicated landscape painting artist will do some painting outdoors. Should we copy what we see? How much should we edit? If you have tried painting plein air and found it overwhelming or haven’t tired it yet, you may need some valuable tools to guide you along the way. These downloads will give you the necessary tools to succeed at interpreting outdoor landscape scenes to turn them into successful paintings. Johannes plays recordings of him working directly from nature in oils, watercolor and pastels while you hear him think out loud during live presentations as he narrates his techniques of overcoming the typical pitfalls of plein air.
About Johannes Vloothuis:
Johannes Vloothuis has exhibited his work all over the world including Saint Petersburg, Sao Paolo and The National Watercolor Museum in Mexico City. He has won several awards such as the top award in the country of Mexico for watercolor and teaches oils, watercolor and pastel. Johannes has taught over 17,000 artists of all skill levels via his online courses.
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